Abhati Group Career Center
Having the same 1 (one) vision is essential in the development and progress of the company. Abhati is very aware of this, so we continue to process so that all team members are aware of the vision of the Abhati. The socialization of the vision and organizational culture continues to be carried out in every meeting. When all team members are focused on 1 (one) goal and have the same culture, we believe that we will create teamwork and even extraordinary synergy. In addition, Abhati also realizes that human or human resources are an essential asset in the organization's development.
Why Work With Us
Friendly and transparent environment
With the culture “empowerment” on us, you have so many opportunities to develop your ability, character, and career
You have exciting new possibilities to follow your curiosity wherever it takes you.
Abhati Group Career Center
Contract Type

Sales Food Industry
PT Gala Laksana Kreasi
Sidoarjo, Surabaya
Please submit your Application for this position to our recruitment website at the following link: recruitment.abhatigroup.com
- Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Teknologi Pangan/Teknik Kimia/Teknik Industri/ Bioteknologi/Farmasi.
- Pengalaman min 2 thn sebagai Sales di bidang Food Industry.
- Memiliki SIM A dan SIM C.
- Menyukai tantangan dan Traveling.
- Komunikatif, Negosiatif, Teliti, bertanggung Jawab, Komitmen, dan Disiplin.
- Penempatan: Surabaya

Sales Textile Chemicals
PT Apollo Agung Chemical Industry
Full Time
Please submit your Application for this position to our recruitment website at the following link: recruitment.abhatigroup.com
- Pendidikan min S1 Chemical Engineering/Textile Chemistry/Chemistry.
- Pengalaman min 5 thn dibidang Marketing Textile Chemical.
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif (lisan & tulisan).
- Memiliki komunikasi, negosiasi, teamwork, hubungan interpersonal, disiplin, dan tanggung jawab.
- Bersedia dinas ke luar kota dan memiliki SIM A.
- Bersedia bekerja sesuai target (deadline).
- Menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan.
- Melakukan kunjungan dan penjualan ke customer potensial.
- Mencari customer baru untuk memperkenalkan produk Perusahaan hingga melakukan Kerjasama dengan Perusahaan.
- Membuat Rencana dan strategi kerja agar tercapainya target Penjualan.
- Menyiapkan laporan kepada manager unit bisnis & managing director.